Careers and Life Planning

The Careers Guidance Committee and College Office provide support to students' applications of further studies by preparing documents of reference upon request. It will take at least 20 normal school days for the issue of the following documents. Students should make preparation well ahead of deadlines to avoid delay.

All the above documents are only issued during normal school days.

For applications of transcript, testimonial, recommendation letter and HKDSE Predicted Levels, students should download the appropriate application form and submit the completed form to the Office.

Transcript and testimonial are prepared by the College Office, and recommendation letter and HKDSE Predicted Levels are prepared by the Careers Guidance Committee.

If students have other applications, they should ask their parents to write a letter to the Principal and send the letter to the College Office.

Download "Application Form for Transcript / Testimonial"

Download "Application Form for Recommendation letter"

Download "Application Form for HKDSE Predicted Levels"

The College has a strong careers guidance committee comprising more than 15 teachers, offering a wide range of careers support and life planning education programmes to meet students’ diverse needs so as to pursue a range of opportunities after graduation.

Over 99% of our S.6 graduates will be continuing their studies in their tertiary education. Majority of them are offered degrees and sub-degrees, either local or overseas. The below is a list of graduate destinations of further studies in Hong Kong and overseas respectively:

Hong Kong Overseas destinations
The University of Hong Kong The University of Cambridge, UK
Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Sheffield, UK
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology University of Reading, UK
Hong Kong Polytechnic University King’s College London, University of London, UK
City University of Hong Kong University of York, UK
HKBU University of Adelaide, Australia
  University of Sydney, Australia
  University of New South Wales, Australia
  The University of Queensland, Australia
  Monash University, Australia
  Pennsylvania State University, USA
  University of California San Diego, USA
  University of Toronto, Canada
  University of British Columbia, Canada
  Naba Nuova accademia di belle arti, Italy
  Waseda University, Japan
  Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
  Peking University, the Mainland
  Fudan University, the Mainland
  National Taiwan University, Taiwan