Examinations and UT Regulations

Examination Regulations AAA

  • Students can take the examinations only when they have submitted all homework.
  • During the examination period and the week before it, students will not be granted leave of absence for personal reasons
  • All students must sit school examinations according to the examination timetable set by the school. Regarding the S.5 Examination Paper 4 and S.6 Mock Examination Paper 4 (Speaking) in both Chinese and English Languages, no make-up examination will be arranged for absentees. An absent student from other school examinations will not be granted a make-up examination unless the absence is legitimate and unavoidable. In such cases, an absent student must present the following documents on or before the following school day after the date of absence
    (a) a letter of explanation signed by a parent or guardian, AND
    (b) the medical certificate issued on the same day of the examination(s) concerned in case of absence due to illness or other medical reasons, and in the former case, the school office must be notified before the examination starts or within 30 minutes after the examination starts, OR
    (c) the public exam. admission form in case of absence due to public examinations, OR
    (d) the official letter or other supporting document(s), if the absent student is to represent Hong Kong to take part in an international competition or game.
    Failure to submit the above documents will be considered truancy and the absent student will receive a mark of zero.
  • For all make-up examinations held after the scheduled dates of the examinations concerned, 15% of the mark scored by the student will be deducted unless he represents Hong Kong in an international competition or game, or he has contracted a highly communicable disease. Such diseases are “Statutory Notifiable Diseases” specified on the website of Centre for Health Protection under Department of Health. Parents and students are advised to click on the Web Link for details. In either case, supporting documents specified in Point No. 3 must be presented.
  • Students are expected to adhere to the school examination timetable. If a student is late for an examination for more than 30 minutes without a legitimate cause, he will not be allowed to take the examination and will receive a mark of zero.
  • Unless special circumstances warrant an absence and the invigilator’s approval has been obtained, no candidates will be allowed to leave the examination centre during an examination. Any candidate who leaves without permission will get a mark of zero for the examination.
  • Examination papers which have not been handed in to the invigilator at the end of the examination will get a mark of zero.
  • Students must sit according to the seating plan.
  • Students must always remain where they are seated during an examination. If a student wishes to go to the toilet, he must first seek the invigilator’s permission.
  • Students should bring along all necessary stationery or calculators to the examination.
  • Any unwarranted use of calculators will be regarded as a form of cheating. Any calculator used in the examination must be the same as one of those on the “HKEAA approved list of calculators.
  • Students must keep quiet after entering the examination centre. Before and during the collection of all examination materials, the actions of talking and looking around will be considered cheating.
  • Students should not loiter or shout outside the examination centre when an examination is over. Students who fail to comply may be liable to disciplinary action by the Discipline Committee.
  • Students who cheat in the examination will receive no marks for the subject concerned and will get demerits from the Discipline Committee.
  • Students are strongly advised against bringing their mobile phones to the examination centre. Mobile phones must be turned off (including the alarm function) and put under the chair in a position clearly visible to the invigilators. Students are also advised to take out the battery from their mobile phones to ensure that no sound will be emitted because of the alarm function. Students who fail to do so may receive mark penalties, disciplinary punishment or even be disqualified from the examination.
  • Students should make sure that articles such as notes, books and all kinds of electronic/communication devices (e.g. PDA, mobile phones, pagers, MP3 players, electronic dictionaries, databank watches, smartwatches) are taken out of their pockets. If these articles are found in their pockets/on their bodies during the examination, students may receive a subject downgrading or even be disqualified from the whole examination.

Uniform Test Regulations

  • All students must sit for the Uniform Test according to the timetable set by the school. Students who are absent from the Uniform Test will not be granted a make-up test unless the absence is legitimate and unavoidable. In such cases, an absent student must present the following documents on or before the following school day after the date of absence:
    (a) a letter of explanation signed by a parent or guardian, AND
    (b) the medical certificate issued on the same day of the test(s) concerned in case of absence due to illness or other medical reasons, OR
    (c) the official letter or other supporting document if the absent student is to represent Hong Kong or the school in a competition or game.
    If an absent student fails to submit the document(s) or letter(s) required, he will receive a mark of zero for the test.
  • No marks will be deducted in the make-up test taken on the scheduled test date.
  • For all make-up tests held after the scheduled dates of the tests concerned, 15% of the mark scored by the student will be deducted unless he represents Hong Kong or the school in a competition/game or he has contracted a highly communicable disease. Such diseases are “Statutory Notifiable Diseases” specified on the website of Centre for Health Protection under Department of Health. Parents and students are advised to click on the Web Link for details. In either case, supporting documents specified in point No.1 must be produced.
  • Unless special circumstances warrant an absence and the invigilator’s approval has been obtained, no candidates will be allowed to leave the examination centre/room over the course of the Uniform Test. Any candidate who leaves without permission will receive a mark of zero for the test.
  • Uniform Test papers which have not been handed in to the invigilators at the end of the test will receive a mark of zero.
  • Students must sit according to the seating plan.
  • Students must always remain where they are seated during the Uniform Test. If a student wishes to go to the toilet, he must first ask for the invigilator’s permission.
  • Any unwarranted use of calculators will be regarded as a form of cheating. Any calculator used in the Uniform Test must be one of those on the “HKEAA approved list of calculators.” Students must keep quiet after entering the examination centre/room. Before and during the collection of all test materials, the actions of looking around and talking will be considered a form of cheating.
  • Students should not loiter or shout outside the examination centre/room when the Uniform Test is over. They should go back to their homerooms immediately in case there are lessons after the Uniform Test. Students who fail to comply are liable to disciplinary actions by the Discipline Committee.
  • Students who cheat in the Uniform Test will receive no marks for the subject concerned and will get demerits from the Discipline Committee.
  • Students should make sure that articles such as notes, books and all kinds of electronic/communication devices (e.g. PDA, mobile phones, pagers, MP3 players, electronic dictionaries, databank watches, smartwatches) are taken out of their pockets. If these articles are found in their pockets/on their bodies during the Uniform Test, students may receive a subject downgrading or even be disqualified from the whole Uniform Test.